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宋明樺|食材營養百科| LOHAS樂活雲

宋明樺|食材營養百科| LOHAS樂活雲



2021/02/01 | Firstory


#1 EP040|油脂類|最好的油脂即是單元不飽和脂肪酸!|fat is good for you
2021/11/30 | 00:14:17
#2 EP039|海鮮類|比牛奶還牛奶的「海中牛奶」,營養價值更超人奶!|precious shell fish
2021/11/23 | 00:06:40
#3 EP038|水果類|吃了楊桃打嗝打不停!?可能是腎臟出問題了!|tropical fruit and vitamin C
2021/11/16 | 00:14:19
#4 EP037|海鮮類|絕對防禦!蝦兵蟹將的鎧甲還能防這些疾病!|eat the shells if you can
2021/11/09 | 00:05:55
#5 EP036|水果類|「熱帶果王」熱量高,嗑三顆等於吃一打蘋果!|fatty fruit -2?
2021/11/02 | 00:13:11
#6 EP035|海鮮類|想要當個長壽的人嗎?那麼從現在開始吃魚吧!|fish and longevity
2021/10/26 | 00:09:04
#7 EP034|水果類|這三種水果營養好吃熱量高,咦~要注意喔~|fatty fruit -1?
2021/10/19 | 00:13:05
#8 EP033|蔬菜類|想要增加鈣的吸收,那就把香菇帶去日光浴吧!|sunbathe the mushroom
2021/10/12 | 00:10:50
#9 EP032|肉、豆類|豆製品在料理前請先用熱水煮過,以免二氧化硫一併吃下肚!|best way to eat tofu
2021/10/05 | 00:10:04
#10 EP031|水果類|想要營養極大化就吃金圓頭奇異果!|the goodness of golden kiwifruit
2021/09/28 | 00:08:34
#11 EP030|蔬菜類|海帶很好,適量更好!|the goodness of seaweed
2021/09/21 | 00:10:07
#12 EP029|肉、豆類|富含不飽和脂肪酸的鴨肉與鵝肉是避免心血管疾病不錯的選擇!|what meat should you eat?
2021/09/14 | 00:12:57
#13 EP028|水果類|木瓜富含兩種重要營養素,可幫助女孩長ㄋㄟㄋㄟ!|girls and papayas
2021/09/07 | 00:14:58
#14 EP027|蔬菜類|買不起人蔘?窮人的人蔘「牛蒡」歡迎參觀選購!|the goodness in burdock
2021/08/31 | 00:06:36
#15 EP026|肉、豆類|雞的「這個部位」是減重者的最愛!|the best diet chicken part
2021/08/24 | 00:05:40
#16 EP025|水果類|蔓越莓吃好吃滿,向尿道炎Say Good Bye!|cranberries and urethritis
2021/08/17 | 00:08:10
#17 EP024|蔬菜類|最有效的紅蘿蔔吃法居然是整根連皮啃!?|have I been eating the carrots all wrong?
2021/08/10 | 00:08:36
#18 EP023|肉、豆類|吃豬肉不要配茶!不要配茶!不要配茶!因為很重要所以要說三次!|pork and tea, bad combo!
2021/08/03 | 00:07:07
#19 EP022|水果類|黃金水果覆盆子,花青素宛若抗氧化聖鬥衣!|all the goodness in raspberries
2021/07/27 | 00:06:16
#20 EP021|蔬菜類|十字花科蔬菜吞下肚,預防細胞癌變有幫助!|veges on your dinner table
2021/07/20 | 00:08:26
#21 EP020|肉、豆類|料理牛肉不過老,燜煎炒皆不能少!|how to keep your beef tender
2021/07/13 | 00:03:28
#22 EP019|水果類|吃苦當吃補!葡萄柚苦味具解毒抗癌作用!|the detoxing grapefruits
2021/07/06 | 00:08:17
#23 EP018|五穀根莖類|燕麥怎麼吃都好,就是不要即溶包!|how to eat oatmeal
2021/06/29 | 00:08:39
#24 EP017|蔬菜類|夏日解躁消火聖品,一起成為吃瓜群眾吧!|what to eat in summer
2021/06/22 | 00:07:31
#25 EP016|奶、蛋類|打造自身的「理想的營養庫」,全靠這顆就對啦!|it"s all about protein
2021/06/15 | 00:04:29
#26 EP015|水果類|橘絡千萬不要撕,喉嚨化痰全靠它!|the secret inside the oranges
2021/06/08 | 00:08:18
#27 EP014|五穀根莖類|吃完栗子又吃米飯!?你正往肥胖的道路前進!|chestnuts plus rice equals obesity
2021/06/01 | 00:08:27
#28 EP013|蔬菜類|四季豆雖富含營養但千萬不能生吃!|never eat your round bean raw
2021/05/25 | 00:06:10
#29 EP012|奶、蛋類|扛不住乳糖不耐症?「酸牛奶」帶你腸胃起飛!|lactose intolerance?
2021/05/18 | 00:06:11
#30 EP011|水果類|千萬別讓蟹老闆與梨子在你肚子裡相遇!|crabs and pears, bad combo
2021/05/11 | 00:06:45
#31 EP010|五穀根莖類|這些食物所含的膳食纖維多到你難以想像!|fiber up yourself!
2021/05/04 | 00:11:16
#32 EP009|蔬菜類|青椒能促進毛髮生長,難道是禿頭救星!?|baldy's best buddy
2021/04/27 | 00:08:24
#33 EP008|奶、蛋類|高鐵與高鈣不可兼得,奶粉如何選才有高CP值?|the right milk powder for you
2021/04/20 | 00:07:55
#34 EP007|水果類|抗氧化秘傳奧義:吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮!|grape skin and antioxidants
2021/04/13 | 00:06:58
#35 EP006|五穀根莖類|你所不知道的三「糕」問題!|Huston, we have a cake problem
2021/04/06 | 00:06:52
#36 EP005|奶、蛋類|破除「香醇濃」的迷思,鮮奶應該這樣選!|the best mike for kids. skim, trim to whole
2021/03/30 | 00:10:00
#37 EP004|水果類|這些水果簡直就是減重人士的三項之力!|the best diet fruit
2021/03/23 | 00:08:21
#38 EP003|五穀根莖類|決定冬粉熱量高低的關鍵是…?|fatty vermicelli
2021/03/16 | 00:08:17
#39 EP002|蔬菜類|芽菜類是攝取各種維他命的另類好選擇!|sprouts and vitamins
2021/03/09 | 00:08:31
#40 EP001|蔬菜類|辛香料五福星幫你身體上Buff!|spicy buffy
2021/02/02 | 00:08:50