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Give me a Minute 給我一分鐘

2023/01/07 | 00:13:09 | SoundOn #business

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今年雖然才在第一個禮拜,可是很多人都問我到這一件事情。那就是複利這一件事情,是真的嗎? 很多人都聽到外面的人講複利複利講得很爽。還聽到說Albert Einstein説”Compound Interest is the 8th wonder of the world. Those who understand will earn it and those who don’t will pay it. It is therefore important to understand what interest is, where compounding interest fits in and how to use it in your everyday life.” 中文解釋就是,複利是這世界上第八大奇景,懂的人可以賺到收入,不懂的人只能繼續付出。所以懂的利息很重要,了解複利跟使用複利在你每天的生活裡。

Apple Podcasts: https://reurl.cc/107yVD
Spotify: https://reurl.cc/4XvZV3
YouTube: https://reurl.cc/MXLqK4

給我一分鐘傳送門 : https://linktr.ee/givemeaminute
搜尋 :Give me a Minute 給我一分鐘
合作 : givemeaminute1979@gmail.com