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雲耀Podcast SP Feat. 高飛 Adriano Moreira

雲耀Podcast SP Feat. 高飛 Adriano Moreira


2021/10/07 | 00:49:17 | SoundOn #arts

Play Episode


本集我們邀請到 - 高飛 Adriano Moreira 以及兩位特別Co-host 浩嘉&昱人!

Co-host: 浩嘉 & 昱人
來賓:高飛 Adriano Moreira


Started playing drums since 4 years old, had his first experience at studio recoding capoeira music in Brazil. Helped put together the band "Cencris" and played around the places. Looking for conscious music he found reggae music who gave him a different way of listening to music. Started a band called "Lion Brothers" with Daniel Verdy on bass (Banda Laboratorio) and Roger de Jesus on guitars.
In 2007 moved to China with the band Br Connection as a party band, moved to Beijijng(Pequin) with Musas Trio for play with some pop singers at the time!
After sometime had a chance to come to Taiwan and feel the vibe of the island!
Worked with some singers around and released an album with SOSS and LEO37.
Won for the best musician award from Asia in 2018. In 2019 won for the best live performance of the year with Leo Wang and released an EP “Time Milkshake” in 2020.
The Goal is to present music as a remedy for our internal issues promoting Workshops and Camps exposing different cultures with the intent of unite the people as One thru music!!!
Awakening Senses

2017組成SOSS樂隊與Leo 37共同創作發行專輯 「Be Well World」
2020與Leo Wang共同創作共同製作發行EP「時間的奶昔」

『Awakening Sense/意識覺醒』—一種可以提升創造力,也是基本上如何用音樂來改善生活的強大方法。鼓是早期長距離通訊的形式,並在典禮和宗教活動中使用。數百年來在非洲,人們用鼓聲作為電報傳遞訊息。我們生活在現今的社會,很容易忽略了音樂的本質。如果你可以應用某些原則,你就能夠生活得更有意義,不會被周遭的負面想法影響而感到沮喪。

本次的Drum Camp以Freedom為中心思想,分為幾個點切入
▲Percussion—高飛認為playing percussion可以給我們更全面的角度去認識打鼓這件事,正因為沒有用鼓棒,身體的感覺更直接。
開闊的心胸是對音樂人最有幫助的東西,這也是我們選擇在墾丁舉辦Drum camp的原因,遠離都市的繁雜,靜下心感受自己,提升知覺,感覺音樂律動和身體之間最自然的關係。

三天兩夜戶外的Drum Camp,學員與高飛生活在同一個時空裡,透過課程、Jam、演出,高飛不僅僅是要跟大家分享成長過程中對他最有幫助的打點、 節奏型態、音樂風格…各種練習,更重要的是我們所有人都在一個大家庭裡共同學習的過程。

活動時間:11/12 2pm-11/14 2pm 2021
地點:墾丁Shady Tree露營區
活動連結 : 高飛/Adriano Moreira Drum Camp 2021 | Facebook
報名請填google表單 : https://forms.gle/EtBvB8CTqWPo5YWx5