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Ep19 喝奶茶聊時事:死亡社群?! 線上社群網站誘發青少年集體自殺!

Ep19 喝奶茶聊時事:死亡社群?! 線上社群網站誘發青少年集體自殺!

無糖奶茶時間- Sugar Free Milk Tea Time

2021/12/13 | 00:41:08 | SoundOn #comedy

Play Episode



● 生命線24小時專線:1995
● 衛福部24小時安心專線:1925
● 張老師專線:1980
● 董氏基金會: (02)27766133 #21~25
● 兒盟踹貢少年專線:0800-00-1769 ( 一至五 16:30-19:30 )/ LINE 帳號 :@youthline

If you are having thoughts of suicide, in the United States call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 (TALK) or go to SpeakingOfSuicide.com/resources for a list of additional resources. Go here for resources outside the United States.

(資料來源:New York Times; BBC news; BMJ 2008;336:800 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2292278/)