首頁 搜尋 我的知識庫


十一 & 眉心




#1 S7E23 人生改運妙招。Way to change fate。
2023/06/06 | 00:32:27
#2 S7E22 短影片上架了!Short video public release!
2023/05/30 | 00:31:58
#3 S7E21 如何判斷單身?Judging Single Status。
2023/05/26 | 00:33:17
#4 S7E20 戀愛緊箍咒。Control freak demands。
2023/05/23 | 00:33:38
#5 S7E19 鍵盤柯南抓渣男。Internet Detective。
2023/05/19 | 00:31:37
#6 S7E18 天生臭臉綜合症。Resting bitch face。
2023/05/16 | 00:31:56
#7 S7E17 自介加分條件。Increase advantages of self-introduction。
2023/05/12 | 00:40:32
#8 S7E16 紫微斗數有點準。 Purple star astrology is accurate。
2023/05/09 | 00:32:13
#9 S7E15 出國旅遊,原地分手。Traveling abroad almost divorced。
2023/05/05 | 00:34:16
#10 S7E14 重啟人生富三代。Brush up life。
2023/05/02 | 00:33:35
#11 S7E13 這些星座有夠懶。These zodiac signs are lazy。
2023/04/28 | 00:33:51
#12 S7E12 路邊強迫推銷。Roadside meet hard selling。
2023/04/25 | 00:33:45
#13 S7E11 體驗皮秒雷射。Experience picosecond laser。
2023/04/21 | 00:36:13
#14 S7E10 戀愛易暈船體質。Fallen for someone hard。
2023/04/18 | 00:34:22
#15 S7E9 買水晶改運。Crystal change destiny。
2023/04/13 | 00:34:56
#16 S7E8 是不是吵架了!? Is there a quarrel!?
2023/04/03 | 00:32:02
#17 S7E7 最速拔智齒。Fastest Wisdom Teeth Extraction。
2023/03/21 | 00:30:57
#18 S7E6 多了五分鐘。More than five minutes。
2023/03/17 | 00:30:56
#19 S7E5 起床恍神。Get up in a daze。
2023/03/14 | 00:35:01
#20 S7E4 話中有話。There are words in one's words。
2023/03/10 | 00:36:26
#21 S7E3 閣愛你一擺。Love You One More Time。
2023/03/07 | 00:34:41
#22 S7E2 不敢相信。 Unbelievable。
2023/03/03 | 00:34:03
#23 S7E1 驚喜到自己。Surprise myself。
2023/02/28 | 00:36:49
#24 S6E32 藏不住私房錢。Must hide your own money。
2023/02/24 | 00:31:56
#25 S6E31 向月老求紅線真靈驗。Seeking the red line is really effective。
2023/02/21 | 00:32:20
#26 S630 怎樣算浪漫?How is it romantic?
2023/02/17 | 00:32:43
#27 S6E29 情人節前夕失戀。Dumped on valentine's day。
2023/02/14 | 00:31:40
#28 S6E28 貼心舉動。Thoughtful gesture。
2023/02/10 | 00:35:35
#29 S6E27 幫我代班一下。Substitute for me。
2023/02/07 | 00:33:23
#30 S6E26 黑色情人節。블랙데이。Black Day。
2023/02/03 | 00:33:44
#31 S6E25 別人開工我摸魚。People kick-off to work but I slacking off。
2023/01/31 | 00:29:14
#32 S6E24 不想當空中小姐。Don't want to be stewardess。
2023/01/27 | 00:31:14
#33 S6E23 五星好評大回顧。Reveal the five star review。
2023/01/24 | 00:32:28
#34 S6E22 春節過年佛系長輩回話。Easily deal with annoying elders' questions。
2023/01/19 | 00:31:08
#35 S6E21 處女座不好追。Virgos are not easy to pursue。
2023/01/17 | 00:31:21
#36 S6E20 吼呦,是誰偷吃我零食!Roar, Who stole my snacks!
2023/01/13 | 00:31:07
#37 S6E19 強迫一起分手。Force everyone to break up together。
2023/01/10 | 00:32:55
#38 S6E18 戀愛鬼遮眼。Blinded by love。
2023/01/06 | 00:34:39
#39 S6E17 偷用鄰居網路。Stealing from a neighbor's Wi-Fi network。
2023/01/03 | 00:32:52
#40 S6E16 告白失敗想離職。Confess feelings failure,I want quit job。
2022/12/30 | 00:31:57
#41 S6E15 一到下午就想說謊。 Lie in the afternoon。
2022/12/27 | 00:31:19
#42 S6E14 受歡迎的條件。Likable conditions。
2022/12/23 | 00:32:46
#43 S6E13 婚姻積分戰。The Marriage App 。
2022/12/20 | 00:30:58
#44 S6E12 很會刷存在感。Validate your existence。
2022/12/16 | 00:33:12
#45 S6E11 怎麼那麼笨~Why so stupid~
2022/12/13 | 00:35:11
#46 S6E10 無預警分手。Broke up without warning。
2022/12/09 | 00:31:22
#47 S6E9 初戀無限Touch。 First Love Unlimited。
2022/12/06 | 00:35:30
#48 S6E8 『聖誕特輯』Christmas special。
2022/12/02 | 00:34:08
#49 S6E7 她是Drama Queen~ She is a Drama Queen~
2022/11/29 | 00:34:42
#50 S6E6 總而言之先讚美。 All in all praise。
2022/11/25 | 00:31:06
#51 S6E5 顏值加真心,缺一不可。 Good looks and sincerity are indispensable。
2022/11/22 | 00:33:26
#52 S6E4 喜歡他會逗我笑~ Like he will make me laugh~
2022/11/18 | 00:31:09
#53 S6E3 看穿假貨名牌包。 One way to see through fake designer bags。
2022/11/15 | 00:34:40
#54 S6E2 側睡很容易被騙。 Side sleeping is easy to be deceived。
2022/11/11 | 00:34:18
#55 S6E1 我想養貓~ I want to keep a cat~
2022/11/08 | 00:32:50
#56 S5E32 這些星座超愛生悶氣。 The three most angry zodiac signs。
2022/11/04 | 00:34:48
#57 S5E31 血型相親攻略~ Blind Date Guidelines for Blood Types~
2022/11/01 | 00:37:43
#58 S5E30 世界盃足球,不可以色色! World Cup football bans premarital sex!
2022/10/28 | 00:33:35
#59 S5E29 戀愛各種小迷信~ Superstitions of Love~
2022/10/25 | 00:30:13
#60 S5E28 神似玄彬,卻慘遭婚友社淘汰! Marriage club, matchmaking is so hard!
2022/10/21 | 00:30:41
#61 S5E27 同事嫉妒我午餐吃麥當勞...
2022/10/18 | 00:33:29
#62 S5E26 老公太聽話,反而不快樂!? Husband is too obedient, but not happy!?
2022/10/14 | 00:31:30
#63 S5E25 水逆已結束,準備要翻身囉~ Mercury retrograde is over! The fortune is reversed~
2022/10/11 | 00:32:35
#64 S5E24 這組貼圖好可愛!!! This set of stickers is so cute!!!
2022/10/07 | 00:33:37
#65 S5E23 趁升息趕快看房!Take advantage of the raise interest rates to see the house!
2022/10/04 | 00:36:43
#66 S5E22 發呆大賽~ Daze Contest~
2022/09/30 | 00:32:45
#67 S5E21 安靜離職我超會! Quiet quitting, I'm super good at it!
2022/09/27 | 00:32:26
#68 S5E20 破解說謊靠這招~ Here's the trick to cracking lies~
2022/09/23 | 00:32:03
#69 S5E19 老派約會之必要! A Gentleman's Guide to Old-Fashioned Dating!
2022/09/20 | 00:33:44
#70 S5E18 轉角遇到幽浮! Encounter UFO around the corner !
2022/09/16 | 00:32:40
#71 S5E17 一聽就懂 iPhone14~ Understand the iPhone 14 as soon as hear us~
2022/09/13 | 00:30:16
#72 S5E16 公主公主!您放屁了嗎? Princess Princess! Did you fart?
2022/09/08 | 00:33:00
#73 S5E15 想當美食評鑑員,記得先投履歷~To be a food critic, remember to submit your resume first~
2022/09/06 | 00:34:36
#74 S5E14 儀式感真的很重要~ Sense of ceremony is really important~
2022/09/02 | 00:35:36
#75 S5E13 情人眼裡為什麼會出西施?Beauty is in the eyes of beholder
2022/08/30 | 00:32:40
#76 S5E12 隔壁鄰居一直投訴我~ The neighbor next door keeps complaining about me~
2022/08/26 | 00:33:43
#77 S5E11 靈魂伴侶怎麼找?怎麼當?How to find or be a soul mate?
2022/08/23 | 00:33:01
#78 S5E10 老婆夢見我有外遇... She dreamed that I was having an affair...
2022/08/19 | 00:30:52
#79 S5E9 恍然大悟,原來我有對話自戀症! It dawned on me that I had conversational narcissism!
2022/08/16 | 00:33:19
#80 S5E8 走進寶雅就想上廁所的都市傳說!? When you went to POYA will cause you want to go to bathroom!?
2022/08/12 | 00:33:51
#81 S5E7 健身房巧遇謝霆鋒(偽)! Meet the imitated Nicholas Tse in the gym!
2022/08/09 | 00:33:05
#82 S5E6 面試前聽一下這集比較穩~ Take ours advice before the interview~
2022/08/05 | 00:33:09
#83 S5E5 那天去Motel的發票中了一千萬~ Your invoice to the Motel won 10 million~
2022/08/02 | 00:38:07
#84 S5E4 理工男的這幾點真的超香! These points of polytechnic boys are really awesome!
2022/07/29 | 00:34:34
#85 S5E3 濟公師父我來了~ Please help us, Jigong Living Buddha~
2022/07/26 | 00:33:55
#86 S5E2 我很好騙嗎!? Do I look easy to be DECEIVED! ?
2022/07/22 | 00:33:13
#87 S5E1 夢幻女婿在這裡! The dream SON-IN-LAW is here!
2022/07/19 | 00:30:39
#88 S4E32 如果當初不當工程師而是選擇航空業的話...... If I had not been an engineer and had chosen the AVIATION industry......
2022/07/15 | 00:33:44
#89 S4E31 尷尬了, 帶著現任巧遇前任! So embarrassing, meeting MY EX on a date with my current girlfriend!
2022/07/12 | 00:33:38
#90 S4E30 欸~暑假作業寫完了嗎? Have you finished your SUMMER homework?
2022/07/08 | 00:30:10
#91 S4E29 夏天減肥又破功了... Summer weight LOSS failed again...
2022/07/05 | 00:30:39
#92 S4E28 新鮮人上班微焦慮指南! ANTI-Anxiety guide for new office workers!
2022/07/01 | 00:33:27
#93 S4E27 從吃飯順序觀察你的戀愛人格~ Observe your love PERSONALITY from the order of meals~
2022/06/28 | 00:30:29
#94 S4E26 直擊胎內記憶! PRENATAL Memories from kids!
2022/06/24 | 00:29:26
#95 S4E25 這次吵架的理由好智障~ The REASON for this fight is so stupid~
2022/06/21 | 00:34:50
#96 S4E24 沒想到你也會相信算命耶! Is the fortune-telling ACCURATE?
2022/06/17 | 00:34:51
#97 S4E23 發現朋友正在花心偷吃, 要不要說出來? What should I do if I find out that my friend is CHEATING on her?
2022/06/14 | 00:35:31
#98 S4E22 你的童年跟我一樣蠢嗎? Was your CHILDHOOD as stupid as mine?
2022/06/10 | 00:33:08
#99 S4E21 直男也想買精品小廢包~ Want to buy fashion brand MINI BAGS~
2022/06/07 | 00:34:14
#100 S4E20 大齡女子惹你了?How is my age OFFENDED you?
2022/06/03 | 00:32:04
#101 S4E19 復刻記憶-郵購明星護貝卡~ Memory Recall-Mail order the LAMINATION of super star's photo~
2022/05/31 | 00:32:32
#102 S4E18 戀愛雷達不當機, 快察覺這些舉動! Open your eyes and mind, see through these CRUSH acts.
2022/05/27 | 00:32:55
#103 S4E17 拋錨問路總是遇到壞心人~ The EXPERIENCE of asking for directions is always bad~
2022/05/24 | 00:34:19
#104 S4E16 前女友硬闖婚禮鬧場!? An ex-girlfriend BROKE into the wedding scene!?
2022/05/20 | 00:33:09
#105 S4E15 那些不想上班的爛理由~ BAD REASONS for taking time off for those who don't want to go to work~
2022/05/17 | 00:31:06
#106 S4E14 隔壁正在做壞事我該怎麼辦? ROOMMATE secretly doing something bad, what should I do?
2022/05/13 | 00:30:42
#107 S4E13 哈利波特渣男完整版! Here comes the full story about the womanizer of the Harry Potter mobile game.
2022/05/10 | 00:34:24
#108 S4E12 這一年我們搞出好多糗事~ This year we have done a lot of EMBARRASSING things~
2022/05/06 | 00:33:17
#109 S4E11 中年危機來了!! Midlife crisis is coming!!
2022/05/03 | 00:34:28
#110 S4E10 這年頭, 老實到底是優點還是缺點? Is HONESTY an advantage or a disadvantage?
2022/04/29 | 00:32:04
#111 S4E9 這真的是我認識的哈利波特嗎!? Womanizer LURKING at mobile games!
2022/04/26 | 00:34:43
#112 S4E8 女兒四歲就會罵髒話, 兇手到底是誰!? My daughter learned to speak SWEAR WORDS, who is the murderer!?
2022/04/22 | 00:34:40
#113 S4E7 性單戀的個性, 到底要怎麼擇偶? How do LITHROMANTIC people choose the soulmate?
2022/04/19 | 00:32:51
#114 S4E6 要跟對方父母見面了, 該怎麼辦? WHAT SHOULD I DO when I have to see his/her parents?
2022/04/15 | 00:35:03
#115 S4E5 為什麼下班還要一直玩手遊? Why do you still play MOBILE GAMES after get off work?
2022/04/12 | 00:30:32
#116 S4E4 脫單擇偶, 條件開好多~ Some people put forward a lot of MATE SELECTION CONDITIONS~
2022/04/08 | 00:32:45
#117 S4E3【100集特輯】 吠洛蒙幕後花絮 Special Episode Behind-the-scenes
2022/04/05 | 00:34:56
#118 S4E2 錯把地基主當龍貓~ Misunderstanding family patron saint is TOTORO~
2022/04/01 | 00:32:24
#119 S4E1 同事準備腳底抹油的跡象!? Those signs of colleagues preparing to RESIGN !?
2022/03/29 | 00:33:29
#120 S3E32 想分手又不想傷人, 可能嗎? Want to BREAK UP, but don't want to hurt people, is it possible?
2022/03/25 | 00:33:27
#121 S3E31 不當薪水小偷, 改當薪水大盜!!! Not just a SLACKER, dream big to be a salary robber !!!
2022/03/22 | 00:32:54
#122 S3E30 老闆別再一本正經講垃圾話~ The boss talks NONSENSE in a serious manner~
2022/03/18 | 00:30:27
#123 S3E29 這種小事也能吵!? Reasons for quarrels with super mental retardation!?
2022/03/15 | 00:33:35
#124 S3E28 原子習慣也能減肥~ ATOMIC Habits can also lose weight!
2022/03/11 | 00:34:30
#125 S3E27 隨意變換車道的人很花心!? Driving RANDOMLY changing lanes might be a womanizer!?
2022/03/08 | 00:30:54
#126 S3E26 出國不小心弄丟老婆~ LOST my wife while traveling abroad~
2022/03/04 | 00:36:57
#127 S3E25 最廢家電你買過嗎? Have you ever bought USELESS appliances?
2022/03/01 | 00:32:33
#128 S3E24 惹人厭同事行為, 集合! A large collection of co-workers' ANNOYING behavior!
2022/02/25 | 00:37:45
#129 S3E23 一談戀愛就像被綁架!? When they fall in love, always DISAPPEAR into thin air !?
2022/02/22 | 00:36:01
#130 S3E22 交友軟體暗藏陷阱! Beware of sugar-coated POISONS
2022/02/18 | 00:32:27
#131 S3E21 為了生活而上班, 還是為了上班而生活!? So Paris is not romantic!?
2022/02/15 | 00:32:31
#132 S3E20 不只我們, 全世界都迷信! Not just us, the whole world is SUPERSTITIOUS!
2022/02/11 | 00:32:25
#133 S3E19 新公司上班第一天, 怎麼當個優秀的新人? How to be an excellent ROOKIE on the first day of work in a new company?
2022/02/08 | 00:35:18
#134 S3E18 媽媽總是拿小孩成就來輸贏~ Mothers play MAHJONG with their children's achievements as chips~
2022/02/04 | 00:33:11
#135 S3E17 除夕試試看夫妻分開過!? The couple separated for New Year's Eve holiday
2022/02/01 | 00:33:05
#136 S3E16 過年加班有賺頭嗎? Will working overtime during Chinese New Year make money?
2022/01/28 | 00:33:45
#137 S3E15 恐龍家長出沒, 各位同學請小心~ HELICOPTER parents around our kindergartens~
2022/01/25 | 00:32:16
#138 S3E14 尾牙的靈魂人物是孔鏘老師! The KEY MEN of the year-end party are the keyboard player!
2022/01/21 | 00:31:16
#139 S3E13 前任送的禮物丟嗎!? How to deal with GIFTS from your ex?
2022/01/18 | 00:30:02
#140 S3E12 尾牙那些你不知道的事~ Something you don't know about the YEAR-END-PARTY~
2022/01/14 | 00:31:39
#141 S3E11 遠距交往變成24小時監控! LONG-DISTANCE love turns into 24-hour surveillance!
2022/01/11 | 00:31:50
#142 S3E10 雙重失控, 媽咪加岳母一起out of control~ Double out of control, mom and mother in law together get crazy
2022/01/07 | 00:34:05
#143 S3E9 誰跟你要當好媳婦~ Be a REBELLIOUS daughter in law~
2022/01/04 | 00:33:04
#144 S3E8 看見不該看的, 同事偷情幽會現場 Accidentally find my colleague CHEATING on her husband .
2021/12/31 | 00:37:04
#145 S3E7 談戀愛應該AA制嗎? Should I ALL APART the bill when I have a date?
2021/12/28 | 00:34:33
#146 S3E6 交換拿到同事爛禮物, 記得笑笑比YA! 快來IG跟我分享你得有多爛~ Show me your X'mas gifts~
2021/12/24 | 00:32:32
#147 S3E5 三不五時遇到婆媽逼婚逼生逼不停! Meet the mother and her friends ALWAYS FORCE me to get married!
2021/12/21 | 00:32:44
#148 S3E4 來趟紅眼快閃48小時京都賞楓之旅 Let's take a RED-EYE FLIGHT 48 hours maple viewing tour in Kyoto
2021/12/17 | 00:33:14
#149 S3E3 我的懶人實用減肥方法! The lazy way to LOSE WEIGHT!
2021/12/14 | 00:29:56
#150 S3E2 求婚注意! 這件事真的不能太過務實!? Caution! PROPOSING marriage really can't be too pragmatic
2021/12/10 | 00:34:06
#151 S3E1 離職總是難堪!?來一次超歡樂人財兩得的必勝離職如何? How about a RESIGNATION that wins both people and money once?
2021/12/07 | 00:30:46
#152 S2E32 回娘家開戰, 用盡全力跟岳父比賽! Try hard to win the EMBARRASSMENT competition with my father in law!
2021/12/03 | 00:35:20
#153 S2E31 你知道外商英文能力可以中下偏爛嗎?Did you know our ENGLISH SKILLS work in a foreign business can be inferior then average?
2021/11/30 | 00:37:25
#154 S2E30 才說好不吵, 每次開車出去玩就一定會吵架~ Every time we hang out together always WRANGLE each other
2021/11/26 | 00:34:20
#155 S2E29 渣男第二彈~分手總是拿爸媽當擋箭牌! BREAKING UP always uses parents as reason to protect the womanizer himself!
2021/11/23 | 00:34:38
#156 S2E28 快到年底了, 好多同事"被"離職, 救救我! Towards the end of the year, many colleagues were "BEEN RESIGNED", please save me!
2021/11/19 | 00:35:29
#157 S2E27 只是買個Disney+也會被情緒勒索~ Just buying DISNEY+ was also emotionally blackmailed
2021/11/16 | 00:41:45
#158 S2E26 秋天真的是一個無法自制的季節 AUTUMN is really a season that can't be self-controlled
2021/11/12 | 00:33:41
#159 S2E25 沖繩邊自駕邊腸胃翻滾 Gastrointestinal problems while driving in Okinawa
2021/11/09 | 00:35:32
#160 S2E24 意想不到,控制狂居然要去看醫生! Unexpectedly, CONTROL FREAK actually needs to see a doctor!
2021/11/05 | 00:42:36
#161 S2E23 只是買個IG廣告信用卡也會被盜刷! Shit~My credit card was STOLEN!
2021/11/02 | 00:30:20
#162 S2E22 你身邊也有上班愛隨便亂發誓的同事嗎? Do you have some colleagues who SWEAR casually?
2021/10/29 | 00:29:58
#163 S2E21 大家都只會說歷代最強, iPhone 13 pro實際購入體驗分享 APPLE iPhone 13 pro actual purchase and experience sharing
2021/10/26 | 00:29:18
#164 S2E20 人家常說戲棚底下等久了就是你的!? all GOOD THINGS come to those who wait.
2021/10/22 | 00:29:28
#165 S2E19 走到哪都有人討厭我~ wherever I go, always someone who LOATHING me~
2021/10/19 | 00:29:58
#166 S2E18 說好是偶像劇怎麼變成實境秀! it was an IDOL DRAMA, how did it become a reality show
2021/10/15 | 00:29:27
#167 S2E17 生活中時不時都會有渣男出現~ WOMANIZER from time to time in life~
2021/10/12 | 00:31:49
#168 S2E16 欸~離婚比結婚更簡單耶~ DIVORCE is easier than marriage~
2021/10/08 | 00:34:44
#169 S2E15 與河馬波波一起體驗新iPhone~ Let's experience the new iPhone with hippo bobo~
2021/10/05 | 00:30:21
#170 S2E14 買精品靠櫃被冰到冷凍庫 the BOUTIQUE salesperson doesn't want to serve me
2021/10/01 | 00:30:23
#171 S2E13 再給你一次機會,你會怎麼選擇? If one more CHANCE, how would you choose?
2021/09/28 | 00:30:33
#172 S2E12 史上最大作弊戰爭~ the biggest CHEATING war in history
2021/09/24 | 00:30:48
#173 S2E11 新手老爸の幼兒園煩惱 why NOVICE dad choose the montessori childcare center?
2021/09/20 | 00:27:08
#174 S2E10 投資不難,賺錢才難 INVESTMENT is easy, but making money is super hard
2021/09/16 | 00:31:16
#175 S2E9 爆米花才是電影院的真諦~ POPCORN is the upright of the theater
2021/09/13 | 00:29:31
#176 S2E8 演藝圈的幕後”推手”是我 behind the SCENES of Freya Lim's first music video
2021/09/11 | 00:25:40
#177 S2E7 那些年我們一起去的進香團~ the INCENSE group we went together in those years
2021/09/07 | 00:30:02
#178 S2E6 同事們各個都是戲精,根本演員訓練班出身 Annual BONUS makes me angry
2021/09/04 | 00:27:49
#179 S2E5 東京朝聖拓也哥之旅 struggle of TOKYO self-guided tour
2021/09/01 | 00:31:26
#180 S2E4 有錢人想的和你不一樣~ Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
2021/08/28 | 00:29:45
#181 S2E3 我的房客從事OO交易! the Tenant is a sex worker
2021/08/25 | 00:23:10
#182 S2E2 超扯聯誼@吃到飽燒肉店~ Ridiculous BLIND DATE
2021/08/21 | 00:31:08
#183 S2E1 打AZ超期待有副作用~ looking forward to getting the VACCINE side effects
2021/08/17 | 00:31:19
#184 S1E32 拉肚子跑步接力賽~ LIGHT SPEED runs into the toilet
2021/08/13 | 00:27:21
#185 S1E31 分手真的是需要練習的~practice how to BREAK UP
2021/08/10 | 00:32:57
#186 S1E30 二少爺要離婚啦~ Young master ready to get DIVORCE
2021/08/06 | 00:29:28
#187 S1E29 頭等艙的機會不是屬於我的~ Follow me to UPGRADE your flight
2021/08/02 | 00:31:47
#188 S1E28 父親節好難自選禮物~ the 1st day of GHOST MONTH
2021/07/29 | 00:22:33
#189 S1E27 我的原則是出國就要走到足底筋膜炎發作~Plantar fascists is NOTHING to me
2021/07/26 | 00:25:41
#190 S1E26 出來工作就是看錢~ Show me the MONEY MONEY MONEY~
2021/07/22 | 00:30:22
#191 S1E25 掐指一算的超能力~ FORTUNE TELLING can tell you everything
2021/07/19 | 00:33:14
#192 S1E24 送女生禮物不簡單~HAPPY Wife / HAPPY Life
2021/07/15 | 00:27:08
#193 S1E23 太多老闆落跑上太空了吧! So many SPACE tourism
2021/07/12 | 00:30:08
#194 S1E22 又被那傢伙弄了~ BACK to square one
2021/07/08 | 00:26:51
#195 S1E21 菜雞老手都能用的面試心法~ Be Your REAL Self at Work
2021/07/05 | 00:28:34
#196 S1E20 其實客訴超有效你知道嗎~ Customer Review SOOOOO Powerful~
2021/07/01 | 00:41:50
#197 S1E19【買車】低調買車就是為了躲岳母啦... [21'SS19]
2021/06/28 | 00:34:47
#198 S1E18【Instagram】科技業行銷內幕 [21'SS18]
2021/06/24 | 00:28:37
#199 S1E17【自介】安安,你好, 小弟身高減體重大於100喔~ [21'SS17]
2021/06/21 | 00:28:30
#200 S1E16【Autopilot】我還沒上車呢~ [21'SS16]
2021/06/17 | 00:35:18
#201 S1E15【Instagram】初來乍到, 拜個碼頭 [21'SS15]
2021/06/16 | 00:24:10
#202 S1E14【WFH】手機燙燙,網路當當 [21'SS14]
2021/06/10 | 00:38:08
#203 S1E13【閒聊】你各位混的是電動間還是網咖? [21'SS13]
2021/06/07 | 00:41:36
#204 S1E12【Apple Music】蘋果送你無損音樂能幹嘛? [21'SS12]
2021/06/03 | 00:25:27
#205 S1E11【購機】每到夏天我要換手機~ [21'SS11]
2021/05/31 | 00:29:51
#206 S1E10【WFH】壓力山大買爆你! [21'SS10]
2021/05/27 | 00:26:11
#207 S1E9【WFH】疫情購物瘋,我來教你買亞馬遜~ [21'SS09]
2021/05/24 | 00:38:48
#208 S1E8【閒聊】吠洛蒙中醫關心你的健康 [21'SS08]
2021/05/22 | 00:40:55
#209 S1E7【WFH】除了膠帶,試試買筆電吧... [21'SS07]
2021/05/19 | 00:40:24
#210 S1E6【生涯】外商,有得跩嗎? [21'SS06]
2021/05/15 | 00:44:12
#211 S1E5【職場】我隔壁同事狂吹牛 [21'SS05]
2021/05/12 | 00:36:11
#212 S1E4【職場】薪資保密個屁 [21'SS04]
2021/05/05 | 00:36:33
#213 S1E3【職場】老闆是垃圾? [21'SS03]
2021/05/05 | 00:34:26
#214 S1E2【生涯】挑公司不挑福利膩? [21'SS02]
2021/05/05 | 00:27:59
#215 S1E1【資訊】台北?台北! [21'SS01]
2021/05/05 | 00:53:59
#216 S1E0【問卦】你誰? [21'SS00]
2021/04/18 | 00:04:05