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越南文檢定 A1 Tieng Viet Vietnamese

越南文檢定 A1 Tieng Viet Vietnamese

作者: 黃青雲
出版社: 東華
出版日期: 2023/10/05
ISBN-13: 9786267130742
書店 1


The Vietnamese Level A1 is implemented within the cooperation framework of authors who have many years of experience in researching, compiling documents, and teaching Vietnamese as a foreign language in both universities, Thai Nguyen University of Education, Vietnam, and Feng Chia University, Taiwan.
The curriculum is compiled at A1 level according to the modern approach, which is the learners’ ability to use language in all four skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing; to comprehensively meet the requirements of the Vietnamese Language Competency Framework for Foreigners under Circular No. 17/2015/TT-BGDĐT dated September 1, 2015, signed and promulgated by the Minister of Education and Training.

  The duration designed for the curriculum is 220 hours (including face-to-face and self-study). The target audience is foreigners who do not know Vietnamese or are familiar with Vietnamese but cannot use Vietnamese at a simple level.
The language used to compile the book includes Vietnamese, Chinese, and English. Therefore, the A1 Vietnamese Curriculum is aimed at many learners, serving practically and effectively for students wishing to learn Vietnamese directly in Vietnamese or learn Vietnamese in Chinese or English.


  課程按照現代方法編制為 A1 級別,含括學習者在所有四種技能中使用語言的能力:聽、說、讀、寫。可以完成符合教育部長簽署和頒布的 2015 年 9 月 1 日第 17/2015/TT-BGD T 號通知的外國人越南語能力框架的要求。此書課程設計教學時間約 220 小時(含實體授課與自學)。目標學習者為越南語初學者或熟悉越南語但不能簡單使用越南語的外國人。

  本書編寫使用的語言包括三種語言;越南語、中文和英文。因此,A1 越南語課程針對廣大學習者,可有效地服務於希望直接用越南語學習越南語或通過中文或英語學習越南語的學生。



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