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Voices (1) Workbook

Voices (1) Workbook

作者: David Bohlke
出版社: 東華
出版日期: 2024/03/15
ISBN-13: 9780357443552
書店 1


Develop your voice in English.

  With Voices, learners use English as a tool for global communication and are encouraged to celebrate connections among people from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds. Carefully sequenced activities featuring real-world content fully prepare learners for interaction and guide them to develop their voice in English.

  Voices is a seven-level, integrated-skills program for adults and young adults that enables instructors to teach with confidence in all classrooms. Supported by a common-sense lesson progression and the Voices Professional Development Video Collection, teachers have the learning and teaching materials they need to deliver engaging courses both online and in person.


English for Airport Terminals (with APP音檔)


素養檢定:國小國文閱讀題組 閱讀素養 低年級[本書適用國小一、二年級]
