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作者: 劉曉明 Liu Xiaoming
出版社: 三聯
出版日期: 2024/03/05
ISBN-13: 9789620451690
書店 1


  Tell China’s Story is a valuable record of China’s diplomatic practices in the new era, and a vivid textbook that demonstrates how to tell China’s story properly.
  The book contains 35 of over 700 speeches delivered by Liu Xiaoming during the 11 years as the ambassador to the United Kingdom, with the content of how to understand China, governance of the country, peaceful development, China’s diplomacy, China’s defense policy, Reform and opening-up, and China’s opportunities. And it is an impressive example of globalization, regionalization and demassification of China’s story and China’s voice.
  Liu Xiaoming was the longest-serving Ambassador to date of the People’s Republic of China to the United Kingdom and his tenure covered a period in which China’s importance as an economic and a strategic power increased enormously. It also coincided with significant high points and low points in the UK-China relationship. This collection of essays by Ambassador Liu reflects that evolution of the UK-China relationship over the period of his tenure and also throws important light on how China wished to present its growing power to a Western audience. Over the eleven years he was in London, Liu Xiaoming became a major player in the conduct of UK-China relations and this collection represents an important historic record.——Rt Hon the Lord Hammond of Runnymede,Former Foreign Secretary of State,Former Chancellor of the Exchequer
  The Icebreakers helped reopen an old road of connectivity between China and the UK following the 1949 assumption of national leadership in China by the CPC. It was not a simple road because of fundamental political opposition but the natural flow of trade was rebuilt, and then the flow of people to people.
Later after 2012 China had returned to its economic clarity and global role. At the same time China played an increasing role in the world due to its rediscovered economic strength, and due to the emergence of Asia as a political centre of the world. Asia emerged based on low labour costs and then on innovation. China trod a similar path.
  China from attending the United Nations from 1971 grew to be an important part of world discussions about global issues. In this period after 2012 friends like the Icebreakers suggested China’s voice needed to be more easily heard and more in the language of our nations (in the West).
  Ambassador Liu Xiaoming was a pioneer in this opening of China to Western minds and learnt to attend media conferences and TV shows. But it was his speeches which resonated the most. Here was a senior Chinese diplomat who could play the Western presenters at their own game in their own language.
  And so his speeches became more important as they told the bigger story in words that were easily understood. His grasp of English was very valuable, as was his grasp of the ways of Western peoples.
He was not afraid to confront necessary truths and stand his ground. He would have helped younger diplomats to learn how to speak and present to Western audiences. He helped transform the role of Chinese diplomacy to the global stage, and that impact will be felt for many decades ahead.
  He is a true Icebreaker.——Stephen Perry,Chairman, the 48 Group Club,Awardee of China Reform Friendship Medal


序言 001


如何認識中國 007
中國 —— 一個古老而常青的國家 011
道路堅定,前途光明 017
「中國夢」:國家、民族和人民之夢 022
引領中國發展新時代,開啟中英合作新征程 025
讀懂新時代中國,構建人類命運共同體 031
認識真實的中國,共建友誼的橋樑 034
把握新機遇,注入新信心,開啟新征程 039


讀懂當代中國,領略領袖風範 047
領悟中國智慧,感知世界情懷 050
感知東方智慧,讀懂中國未來 053
中國為什麼選擇馬克思主義 059
法治照耀中國 064


和平、發展、合作——中國外交的主題 069
從全面、縱深的角度認識和平發展的中國 075
從「十二五」規劃看中國的科學發展與和平發展 080
中國讓世界更安全 086
中國是亞洲的和平穩定力量 090
和平發展與共享共贏 096
中國將堅定不移走和平發展道路 103
堅持和平發展,推進合作共贏 111


新時期的中國外交 119
使命與夢想 124
共答「時代之問」,同創美好未來 130
同舟共濟,共克時艱,構建人類命運共同體 136


《孫子兵法》與中國的外交國防政策 145
「中國夢」引領中國安全觀與國防建設 150


成功的道路,全面的發展 159
創新是中國發展的關鍵 165
全面深化改革是中國發展的強大動力 170
改革促進中國發展,開放推動世界進步 174
紀念改革開放偉業,共譜合作共贏新篇 182


中國發展給世界帶來的機遇 189
堅持開放、合作、協商,為世界增添「中國信心」 199
共享中國機遇,共創美好未來 204

後記 209
作者簡介 212

Chapter 1:
Understand China

002 How to Understand China
008 China: Ever Old, Ever Young
017 A Solid Path, A Bright Future
025 “Chinese Dream”: The Dream of a Country, a Nation and a People
030 New Era for China and New Chapter of China-UK Cooperation
038 Understanding China in the New Era is Key to Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind
042 Know the Real China and Build a Bridge of Friendship
049 New Opportunities, New Confidence, New Journey

Chapter 2:
Governance of China

056 A Window for Better Understanding of Today’s China and its Leader
060 Chinese Wisdom and Global Vision
064 Learn the Oriental Wisdom and Understand the Future of China
072 Why Has China Chosen Marxism
079 Rule of Law — “Shining Over China”

Chapter 3:
Peaceful Development

084 Peace, Development and Cooperation: Themes of China’s Foreign Policy
090 Understanding China’s Pursuit of Peace and Development from a Comprehensive and in-depth Perspective
096 The 12th Five-Year Plan: China’s Scientific and Peaceful Development
102 China Makes the World a Safer Place
105 China is a Force for Peace and Stability in Asia
114 Peaceful Development and Shared Win-Win
125 China Stays Committed to Peaceful Development
135 China is Firmly Committed to Peaceful Development and Win-Win Cooperation

Chapter 4:
China’s Diplomacy

144 China’s Diplomacy in the New Era
152 The Noble Mission and Dreams
159 The Questions of Our Times Call for a Joint Response
167 Pull in the Same Direction and Build a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind

Chapter 5:
China’s Defense Policy

176 Sun Tzu’s Wisdom Behind China’s Diplomacy and Defense Policy
184 China’s Security Outlook and National Defense in the Context of the “Chinese Dream”

Chapter 6:
Reform and Opening-up

196 The Road to Success and Comprehensive Development
202 Innovation: China’s Path to Success
209 Comprehensively Deepening Reform Provides a New Driving Force for China’s Development
216 Reform Advances Development in China and Opening-up Promotes Progress in the World
226 Great Cause, Great Achievements and Great Future

Chapter 7:
China’s Oppotunities

234 China’s Development Brings Opportunity to the World
249 China Stays Committed to Openness, Cooperation and Consultation, and Brings Confidence to the World
255 Share the Opportunities of China and Join Hands to Create a Better Future

262 About the Author


  Liu Xiaoming, graduated from Dalian University of Foreign Languages with a major in English and undertook further studies in the United States, obtaining a master's degree in international relations from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University in 1983.
  Liu Xiaoming started his diplomatic career in 1974. He served as Deputy Director-General of Department of North American and Oceanian Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Chinese Embassy in the US, Ambassador of China to Egypt, Ambassador of China to the DPRK and Ambassador of China to the UK. Since April 2021, he has served as Special Representative of the Chinese Government on Korean Peninsula Affairs. He is a member of Foreign Policy Advisory Group of China.
  He received The Fletcher Dean’s Medal, First Class Friendship Medal of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Fletcher Class of 1947 Memorial Award, the 48 Group Club Lifetime Achievement Award for Contribution to Sino-British Relations and the Freedom of the City by the City of London Corporation.
  He was awarded the Degree of Doctor of Laws Honoris Causa of Nottingham University and the Honorary Doctorate of the University of Huddersfield.
  He is the author of Sharp Dialogue (Beijing Publishing Group, 2022; Joint Publishing (H.K.) Co., Ltd, 2023)




