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中醫臨床研究與應用:台灣中醫臨床醫學雜誌 第三十卷 第一期

中醫臨床研究與應用:台灣中醫臨床醫學雜誌 第三十卷 第一期

作者: Eric Lung-Cheng HSIAO
出版社: 翰蘆
出版日期: 2024/01/10
ISBN-13: 9789868281837
書店 1






  This book "Research and Application of Eastern Clinical Medicine" is edited by two scholars, Prof./Dr. CHEN Chi-Fang and Prof. PI Kuo-Li. It contains a total of 9 articles and a comprehensive list of articles in Taiwan Journal of Clinical Chinese Medicine (TJCCM). Group of the article covers 20 experts and scholars in the field of health from the United States, China, India, Singapore, and Taiwan. The topics of the article include: SWOT analysis of acupuncture, research on moxibustion therapy pictures in ancient paintings, special discussions on drug management of concentrated crude drugs, Edo period han medical acupuncture books, research on Chinese medical works in Taiwan during the Japanese-Ruled era, Zen-Yuan' s "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", research on prescriptions, prevention and treatment of back pain, and medical records of inpatient consultations. Besides, there is also a total list of 900 complete bibliographies of the TJCCM, the longest published journal of traditional Chinese medicine in Taiwan. The historical development and current status are discussed, and this book is a very meaningful academic work on traditional medicine.


.鍼灸在整合醫療的優劣分析 / Eric Lung-Cheng HSIAO, S. Prasad Vinjamury, Sue Mir, and Lawrence Lung-Sheng HSIAO
  Acupuncture in Integrative Care: SWOT Analysis

.古畫中的醫療治療景象研究 / Hui-Yuan YEH, and Qun ZHANG
  Earliest Realistic Therapeutic Scene in Ancient Chinese Paintings

.美國濃縮中藥管制議題探討-以台灣經驗為例 /Shu Yun HUANG
  The New Approach for Concentrated Chinese Medicines (CCM) in United States (U.S.) with Taiwan Norms as an Essential Reference

.《鍼灸真髓》五柱穴的功效 / 許菁雯、陳光偉、孫茂峰
   The Efficacy of  the “Five Pillar Acupoints”in“The Essence of Acupuncture and Moxibustion”

.由《壹百良方自療法》論日治時期台灣漢醫用藥 /殷揚智、林昭庚
  On the Discourse of Han Medicine in Japanese-Ruled Taiwan via Text “One Hundred Good Formulae for Self-Healing”

  An Important Biography  of  Zen-Yuan’s “Treatise on Febrile Disease”

.吳又可、薛生白與吳鞠通的類三甲方劑討論-新冠肺炎、腦霧及現代應用的可能性 /林以正、薛博文 
  The Background, Comparison, and Possibility of Modern Application on COVID-19 Sequelae of Three Prescriptions Named as “Three-carapace”

.中醫論治背部疼痛 /瞿瑞瑩、陳麒方
   On the Discourse of Treating Back Pain through Chinese Medicine

.疑含法半夏之水煎藥物影響肝指數上升的住院中醫會診案例討論-創傷性硬腦膜下出血個案 /溫育芯、林宗萱、李侑修、王瑜婷
  A Traumatic Subdural Hemorrhage Case Sharing of Inpatient Chinese Medicine Consultation on the Suspected Increasing Liver Index Caused by Pinellia Ternata Decoction




陳麒方 主編  




皮國立 主編  






