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GEH,Gross Earth Happiness

GEH,Gross Earth Happiness

作者: Hung Chi-Sung
出版社: 山月文化
出版日期: 2024/05/17
ISBN-13: 9786269805419
書店 1


The GNH ideology of Bhutan acts as a catalyst for happiness, challenging the dominant paradigm of economic development as the sole metric of progress and prompting individuals to reassess the true essence of happiness in life. It calls upon governments to integrate happiness into policy planning.

  We believe that Bhutan's Gross National Happiness concept is not only relevant to Bhutan but also serves as an important reference for every country and the entire world to pursue happiness and well-being.

  Moving ahead, there is anticipation that alongside national happiness indices, a collective "Gross Earth Happiness" index could emerge, enhancing the overall well-being of humanity and nurturing a more harmonious cosmic civilization within the galaxy!






Author Preface:From "Gross National Happiness" to "Gross Earth Happiness"

Chapter 1.
The Originator of GNH: the Fourth King of Bhutan, Jigme Singye Wangchuck

  1. The benevolent monarch of Bhutan, a contemporary Bodhisattva king
  2. Happiness Economics & Peace on Earth: Nomination of His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuck as a Nobel Peace Prize Candidate

Chapter 2. From GNH to GEH

  1. A Brave Man for the Happiness of the World
  2. Gross Earth Happiness (GEH)

Chapter 3. Creating the History of Happiness

Chapter 4. Bodhisattva Economics and Happiness Economics

  1. The New Meaning of Bodhisattva Economics
  2. The Buddhist Economic Thought
  3. The role of Merchant Leader in Buddhism
  4. Bodhisattva Business Leader and the Social Responsibilities of Entrepreneurs
  5. The Modern Spirit of Bodhisattva Entrepreneurship? The Five Driving Forces
  6. Outstanding Futuristic Entrepreneurs
  7. Economics in the Space Era

Chapter 5 the Way of the Earth Entrepreneurs

  1. Earth Happiness Trilogy
  2. Living a Life of Happiness with the Fulfillment of 6Qs
  3. “Survival of the Fittest” and “Coopetition Optimization”
  4. Education of Leadership-Superior Management Model of Core Personnel
  5. Mutual Positivity-The Power of Right Mindfulness
  6. Success Is the Full Process of Life, Not a Destination
  7. The Spirit of “There Is A Person”


  1. Adding Happiness Worldwide   Vincent Siew
  2. Thankfulness is Foundation of Happiness   Inamori Kazuo
  3. What’s Happiness?  Wang, Jin-Pyng, et al.
  4. From ”GNH” to ”GEH”



Hung Chi-Sung

  Ven. Master Hung Chi-Sung

  International Zen Master
  Committee Director of General of Academic of Chinese Buddhist Association
  Distinguished Professor of Chung Hua University.
  Artist of "Great Buddha", Guinness World Record's
  World's Largest Painting.

  Ven. Master Hung Chi Sung is an internationally acclaimed Zen Master, Zen artist, and bestselling author renowned for his profound impact on Zen practice, art, and literature. With a prolific literary output of more than 300 books, he is frequently hailed as the "Michelangelo of the 21st century" and esteemed as the "contemporary Kukai". He currently holds key positions, including Director-General of the Academic Committee of the Chinese Buddhist Association, Distinguished Professor at Chung Hua University, and Chief Advisor of the Yungang Grottoes Research Institute.

  Master Hung was invited to Taiwan, America, China, and Europe to lead retreats and give lectures in both Chinese and English, including Harvard University, MIT, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing University, and Fudan University in China, and Taiwan University, and so on.

  In 2018, Master Hung finished the largest painting of Buddha in the world (168mX72.5m). The painting is twice the height of the Grand Hotel in Taipei. This painting received the Guinness World Record for the largest painting in the world on June 21, 2019.

  Notable Honors:
  2009: Certificate of Honor by City of San Francisco for contribution to Zen meditation
  2010: Certificate of Honor by the Kingdom of Bhutan for Bodhisattva economics
  2019: World’s largest painting certified by The Guinness World Records




