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作者: Lucia Bellaspiga
出版社: 華藝數位
出版日期: 2018/10/01
ISBN-13: 9789866286728
書店 1


Carlo Urbani was an infective disease specialist with a beaming career, one of the most experienced in the world. He has received the Nobel Peace Prize as a national president of Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres, MSF). On March 29, Urbani, ironically as the very first doctor discovering Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), was killed by the mysterious virus in a remote hospital of the Far East. Doctor Without Borders: Portrait of Carlo Urbani documents his remarkable life stories by including contents of manuscripts, interviews, and letters, in an attempt to honor Urbani’s memories in every way possible.


  Dr. Carlo Urbani practiced the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ “to love God and love your neighbor,” which made himself a legend of a devout Christian. He further inspired many to serve those who were suffering from illness, poverty, grief, and hunger. This chain of love confirms the gospel of John: “Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit. Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will preserve it for eternal life.” (John 12:24–25)—Dr. Chen Chien-Jen (陳建仁), Vice President of Taiwan

  Carlo Urbani, a physician devoted to the work endowed on him and sacrificed with the highest dignity, a hero in our life and a teacher for the generations to come. —Dr. Peter Chang (張武修), Ombudsman, Control Yuan, Taiwan


Introduction: An Unknown Doctor
Chronology of the Life of Carlo Urbani
Part 1: L’uomo
Part 2: The Doctor
Part 3: The Believer



Lucia Bellaspiga

  Lucia Bellaspiga was born in Milan in 1963. Graduated in Classical Literature, she has been a professional journalist since 1996. She has worked for major newspapers and starting from 2006, she was a reporter for the newspaper Avvenire. In 2003, she won the first edition of the journalistic award dedicated to the memory of Maria Grazie Cutuli, the reporter of the “Corriere della Sera” killed in Afghanistan, and in 2004 the Benedetta D’Intino journalistic award, given by Cristina Mondadori and the publishing company Il Saggiatore. She has published numerous book with Ancora, including Eluana, I fatti, Il perdono di Erba, and Il seme di Nassiriyah.



  Tian Ruei Juang (莊天瑞) was born in 1995 in Italy, he attended the Sir James Henderson British School of Milan. He was admitted in the Conservatory Giuseppe Verdi of Milan, specializing in classical piano, where he competed in several musical competitions during his studies. He is currently studying in Chang Jung Christian University in Tainan, Taiwan, in the International Program for Sustainable Development, a degree in cooperation with the Jane Goodall Institute of Taiwan.




