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彩虹愛家|親親寶貝貼心話| LOHAS樂活雲

彩虹愛家|親親寶貝貼心話| LOHAS樂活雲



2021/02/01 | Firstory


#1 EP054|勇敢力|看見受家暴的孩子如何協助他?|domestic violence
2022/03/07 | 00:11:29
#2 EP053|接納力|孩子想法多、自我意識強烈!|my way or the highway
2022/02/28 | 00:11:34
#3 EP052|勇敢力|孩子太依賴,總要媽媽陪伴!|a mama boy
2022/02/21 | 00:11:30
#4 EP051|堅毅力|學習三分鐘熱度、困難就放棄!|an inconsistent kid
2022/02/14 | 00:10:56
#5 EP050|接納力|孩子抱怨老師不公平怎麼辦?|my teacher is not fair
2022/02/07 | 00:11:14
#6 EP049|勇敢力|孩子為了朋友不得不說謊!?|lying for your friends?
2022/01/31 | 00:11:21
#7 EP048|堅毅力|孩子對事無法堅持,容易放棄!|a persistent kid
2022/01/24 | 00:11:37
#8 EP047|接納力|幫助孩子接納自己的與眾不同!|every kid is unique
2022/01/17 | 00:10:50
#9 EP046|勇敢力|孩子不敢嘗試新事物怎麼辦?|refuse to explore?
2022/01/10 | 00:11:05
#10 EP045|堅毅力|孩子恐懼數學、學習態度被動!|the fear of maths
2022/01/03 | 00:11:57
#11 EP044|接納力|如何引導孩子不要排斥同學?|a generous kid
2021/12/27 | 00:10:10
#12 EP043|勇敢力|害怕權威,被誤會也不敢說!|scared of telling truth
2021/12/20 | 00:11:23
#13 EP042|堅毅力|孩子愛玩、忽略該做的功課!|playing vs homework
2021/12/13 | 00:11:14
#14 EP041|欣賞力|孩子不愛親近大自然怎麼辦?|Mother Nature?
2021/12/06 | 00:11:05
#15 EP040|接納力|孩子只知道追隨別人的喜好!|my kid a sheep?
2021/11/29 | 00:12:16
#16 EP039|勇敢力|孩子總是臨時抱佛腳怎麼辦?|last minute study?
2021/11/22 | 00:11:03
#17 EP038|堅毅力|如何解決孩子做事拖拉的習慣?|messing around?
2021/11/15 | 00:12:34
#18 EP037|欣賞力|幫孩子擴展多元閱讀與深度!|diversified reading
2021/11/08 | 00:10:16
#19 EP036|接納力|孩子常抱怨自己有許多缺點!|I'm not good enough!
2021/11/01 | 00:11:25
#20 EP035|勇敢力|孩子很膽怯不敢表現怎麼辦?|lacking confidence?
2021/10/25 | 00:10:03
#21 EP034|堅毅力|孩子只會說、不會做怎麼辦?|all talk no action
2021/10/18 | 00:13:45
#22 EP033|尊重力|孩子喜歡說髒話該怎麼辦?|foul language
2021/10/11 | 00:11:30
#23 EP032|欣賞力|教孩子珍惜環境、愛護地球!|cherish the Earth
2021/10/04 | 00:09:37
#24 EP031|接納力|爺爺奶奶愛孩子但也很嘮叨!|with love, from granny
2021/09/27 | 00:10:58
#25 EP030|勇敢力|想幫助同學卻造成對方受傷!|when good intention goes wrong
2021/09/20 | 00:10:06
#26 EP029|尊重力|被取不雅綽號、孩子很受傷!|dealing with name calling
2021/09/13 | 00:11:21
#27 EP028|堅毅力|如何幫助孩子專心的學習?|staying focused
2021/09/06 | 00:11:11
#28 EP027|關懷力|跟孩子說話,他總是愛理不理!|getting no response?
2021/08/30 | 00:10:02
#29 EP026|自尊力|孩子人緣差、總覺別人批評他!|quit talking behind my back
2021/08/23 | 00:12:28
#30 EP025|尊重力|教孩子學習與人相處的分寸!|how to get along with others
2021/08/16 | 00:12:52
#31 EP024|堅毅力|怎樣讓孩子能主動分擔家務?|sharing chores
2021/08/09 | 00:10:10
#32 EP023|關懷力|孩子哎聲嘆氣、總是說無聊!|boredom
2021/08/02 | 00:11:27
#33 EP022|自尊力|孩子沒自信,該如何陪伴他?|kids with low self-esteem
2021/07/26 | 00:11:10
#34 EP021|尊重力|孩子愛玩3C產品還帶上餐桌!|smart phone vs dinner table
2021/07/19 | 00:10:46
#35 EP020|誠信力|孩子犯錯會推責任、怪別人!|it's all their fault
2021/07/12 | 00:12:02
#36 EP019|關懷力|父母心疼孩子、代勞所有事情!|overprotective parents
2021/07/05 | 00:11:14
#37 EP018|自尊力|孩子作怪搗蛋,被糾正就暴怒!|an angry troublemaker
2021/06/28 | 00:11:44
#38 EP017|尊重力|孩子常用負面言語令人難受!|being negative?
2021/06/21 | 00:11:01
#39 EP016|誠信力|孩子為討好別人誇大不真實!|bluffing for treats
2021/06/14 | 00:10:37
#40 EP015|關懷力|孩子朋友不多,怕他被排擠!|need more friends?
2021/06/07 | 00:10:59
#41 EP014|自尊力|孩子害羞、低頭走路不打招呼!|too shy?
2021/05/31 | 00:11:17
#42 EP013|尊重力|孩子講話時不顧及別人感受!|being inconsiderate?
2021/05/24 | 00:11:02
#43 EP012|誠信力|為求優秀形象,孩子不惜說謊!|images behind the lies
2021/05/17 | 00:09:43
#44 EP011|關懷力|孩子未盡本份、又好管閒事!|being nosy
2021/05/10 | 00:11:34
#45 EP010|自尊力|如何看待孩子愛比較的性格?|a competitive kid
2021/05/03 | 00:12:11
#46 EP009|尊重力|孩子一直插話該如何引導?|stop cutting in
2021/04/26 | 00:11:07
#47 EP008|誠信力|不在父母面前,態度就不一樣!|my kid an actor?
2021/04/19 | 00:11:33
#48 EP007|關懷力|關懷被排擠的同學反被排擠!|fit in or not
2021/04/12 | 00:10:36
#49 EP006|自尊力|孩子敏感,總覺得同學說壞話!|over sensitive?
2021/04/05 | 00:10:29
#50 EP005|誠信力|如何處理孩子的說謊問題?|not telling the truth?
2021/03/29 | 00:11:55
#51 EP004|關懷力|孩子碰到霸凌狀況如何應對?|bully 911
2021/03/22 | 00:11:41
#52 EP003|自尊力 |孩子與人相處時開不起玩笑!|come on man, it was just a joke
2021/03/15 | 00:11:56
#53 EP002|尊重力|是否該限制孩子上網的時間?|kiddo, time to get offline
2021/03/08 | 00:10:40
#54 EP001|尊重力|孩子在公共場所哭鬧怎麼辦?|kids crying in the public
2021/02/02 | 00:11:38