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Medical Negligence in Hong Kong and How to Avoid It:An Introductory Guide

Medical Negligence in Hong Kong and How to Avoid It:An Introductory Guide

作者: Cheong Peng Meng
出版社: 香港大學出版社
出版日期: 2020/03/20
ISBN-13: 9789888528189
書店 1


Medical Negligence in Hong Kong and How to Avoid It provides essential information concerning the potential legal liabilities that medical professionals face when they treat patients. An easy-to-read reference, this book discusses landmark medical negligence case and analyzes medical malpractice specifically in the context of practicing medicine. It is divided into two parts. Part I sets the stage by giving an account of the development of negligence law in common-law jurisdictions including Hong Kong and ends with a discussion of selected medical negligence cases decided in Hong Kong courts. Part II sets out the practical issues relating to negligence law, including risk management, procedures to manage complaints and lawsuits, and alternative dispute resolution.



Cheong Peng Meng

  Cheong Peng Meng is an associate consultant in orthopaedics and traumatology at the Hospital Authority of Hong Kong. He is also an honorary clinical assistant professor at the University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.





淋巴水腫 消腫解痛聖經:全方位照護知識╳3分鐘自療輕運動,有效改善長年腫痛與不適