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Voice Therapy for Children: An Instructional Manual

Voice Therapy for Children: An Instructional Manual

作者: Estella P. M. Ma
出版社: 香港大學出版社
出版日期: 2023/04/11
ISBN-13: 9789888754212
書店 1


Voice Therapy for Children is a bilingual instructional manual that aims to maximize speech therapy students’ and clinicians’ competence, knowledge, and effectiveness in managing pediatric voice caseloads。 This is a unique text that goes beyond general descriptions of therapeutic technique and physiologic principles。
  Designed to serve Cantonese- and English-speaking children, this manual provides a clear and systematic overview of practical issues and clinical tips, laying out the steps and criteria for therapy programs。 With detailed instructions for each voice therapy session, clinicians will find answers to questions such as
How can children be kept engaged in voice therapy?

  How can clinicians facilitate learning and performance of voicing techniques?

  How can age-appropriate practice stimuli and games be selected?

  This manual contains detailed instructions for each voice therapy session and ready-to-use clinical materials, including picture cards for eliciting stimulus and record forms for clinical use, which are essential for clinicians in their early careers, as well as undergraduates and graduates enrolled in professional courses。



Estella P. M. Ma

  is associate professor at the Faculty of Education and director of the Voice Research Laboratory at the University of Hong Kong。




